Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Orientation to Shaolin Wing Chun. This is for beginners. Building the Foundation. The first steps in beginning your Wing Chun training and e...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Yellow Belt and up training.
Continues to 9:00PM.
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM --Introduction t Mai San Jong: Wing Chun sparring and Sanda, or "Chinese kickboxing" full-contact combat sport. This is...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Every Wednesday from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM for ages 7 - 12 years old
From 5:30 to 6:00 PM is for ages 4 - 6 years old.
Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Improve your health, stamina, and flexibility with Tai Chi and Qi Gong techniques. Qi Gong and Wu Hao Tai Chi lessons focusing on breathing,...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Northern Axe "style" Tai Chi and Qi Gong lessons focusing on breathing, stretching, and meditation. A peaceful respite in a hectic world f...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Shaolin Wing Chun additional training. Also an option for those who can't make weekly classes. ** Often starts a little later due to the Ta...
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Reserved for private lessons.
Blue Lantern Martial Arts
Mighty Mights -- Children aged 4 to 6, this program has a balance of action and interaction with physical exercise, extensive learning and character development.
Young Wolves -- children ages 7 to 12.
Our classes are integrated to all ages, and the parent/guardian or older family member is encouraged to stay during the training or even to participate!
We want your child to learn to think. We’ll teach them how to de-escalate situations, and how to keep themselves protected if they’re ever attacked.
At Blue Lantern Martial Arts your child will receive training and attention from an instructor who understands both his craft and the keys to providing a disciplined, fun environment. Sifu Griffith teaches critical life skills while providing plenty of exercise and boosting each child’s confidence and self-esteem. Our kids martial arts program and classes are available for young adults ages four and half to twelve years.
Our goal is to help children grow through martial arts and prepare them for success later in life.
It's like test-driving a car.
A single THREE day contract.
Full adult membership (age 12+) Includes four classes per week: weekdays Tues, Thurs plus Saturday morning. Package includes practice T-shirt and written curriculum.
Renews monthly.
Basic protective gear is at member's discretion. Member will want to upgrade to better gear as they progress.
School does have preferential gear with discounts available-- it will become a requirement if student desires to become part of the competitive fight team. We are a team and we want to look like it.
Children's martial arts class.
Wednesday from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM -Young Wolves (7-12 yo)
Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:00 PM - Mighty Mights (4 - 6 yo )
Children's curriculum.
The Free Trial applies to Mighty Mights and Young Wolves as well!
Monthly self-defense course designed for the community. Basic, effective techniques perfect for kids, students, healthcare workers...everyone.
Held on a Saturday, usually mid-month.
Price for ONE participant.
Family deals available, contact Sifu Griffith.
Drop-in fee. This is especially handy if you can't commit to a monthly program and have an irregular schedule.
Not eligible for Wednesday Mai San Jong/Sanda "Fight Night". This requires additional training and approved gear.
Pay-Go membership is for a ONE HOUR class.
Fees apply for using Square, Venmo, Ca$hApp and other electronic payment options.
Pay per class option. Saturdays at 9:30 AM & Wednesdays at 5:00 PM
Tuition: $25.00 per class.
--OR-- Special Monthly Membership : $100
* plus Kentucky tax.
Qi or "chi" literally means "air, water vapor or atmosphere." Qi represents vital energy around and within us.
Learn sitting, standing and moving meditation and return your body to a more natural state through techniques developed through observation and experimentation by the Shaolin monks more than a thousand years ago.
Improve your health, stamina, and flexibility with Tai Chi and Qi Gong techniques.
There are some Chinese words which have entirely different meanings but share a similar sound; therefore their Pinyin (Romanized Western) spellings are the same. This “Wu” is different from another "Wu Style"in Chinese. It is also known as Hao Style. It was created by Wu Yuxiang (1812-1880), and passed on to Hao Weizheng (1849-1920), who significantly contributed to the style. I had practiced Wu Hao Tai Chi many years ago, learning from Lieutenant Commander Michael Domzalski while in the US Navy in San Diego, CA.
Hao is not a well-known style. Its creators had studied both the Yang and Chen Style. Hao is characterised by slow and internally loose movements, which are close-knit in outward appearance. Great emphasis is placed on internal force and correct positioning. External movements and the transference of the substantial and insubstantial are controlled by internal power.
When looking at a high-level practitioner performing the Hao style, it appears larger and more rounded, as though it’s inner power has extended further than the outward physical shape.
Baduanjin is a traditional series of movements with a long history. The ancients compared this set of movements to "brocade", which symbolizes that the movements are soothing and graceful, as smooth as a brocade section. There are a total of 8 movements. The movements are gentle, neither urgent nor slow. No matter what age group you are, you can try it. It is a very suitable exercise for the whole family. Each exercise should be "not rushed nor slow, the upper and lower limbs should be relaxed and coordinated naturally, the movements should be gentle and relaxed", and the whole process should be connected "naturally". Starting from the first position of the Supporting the Sky, "Holding the Three Burners of Heavenly Power with Both Hands", it regulates the heart, lungs, spleen and stomach, liver and gallbladder, kidneys and genitourinary system from top to bottom, and finally ends with Gazing at the Stars- "The Qidian behind the back eliminates all diseases". Fully embody the idea of harmony between man and nature. .
Daoyin is a series of cognitive body and mind unity exercises practiced as a form of meditation and mindfulness to cultivate Jing (essence) and direct and refine Qi, the internal energy of the body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These exercises are often divided into Yin positions (lying and sitting) and Yang positions (standing and moving). The practice of daoyin was a precursor of Qi Gong and was practiced in Chinese Taoist monasteries for health and spiritual cultivation. Daoyin is also said to be a primary formative ingredient in the well-known "soft styles" of the Chinese martial art of Tai Chi Chuan.
The main goal of daoyin is to create flexibility of the mind, thereby creating harmony between internal and external environments, which relaxes, replenishes and rejuvenates the body, developing in its practitioners a vital and healthy spirit.
In the West, daoyin is sometimes mistakenly equated with "daoist yoga" or "yin yoga" as "dao" (導) and "yin" (引) are mistakenly read as 'Dao' (道), as in "Daoism", and 'Yin' (阴), as in "Yin-Yang"
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